Bridgestone Three Major Things to Consider About your Tires in Lebanon Before You Go on Roadtrips
Three Major Things to Consider About your Tires in Lebanon Before You Go on Roadtrips
Three Major Things to Consider About your Tires in Lebanon Before You Go on Roadtrips

Summer is already here, and that means time for family and friends road trips! 

We know there is a lot to think about when you’re planning a vacation in terms of money, accommodations, scheduling, keeping your kids/friends occupied in the car, but what you definitely should not neglect in those plans is your tires. 

Here are a three major things to consider before you go: 

• Inflation - Most of the drivers don't know that under-inflated tires cost them money in terms of fuel economy. Individuals don’t have to rely on tires appearances because modern tires design won't show until they’re drastically low on air, to tell you if they’re low. Get a good quality tire gauge and check the inflation of all four tires while they’re cold.

• Rotation - Due to weight distribution, braking and steering function tires tend to wear in certain patterns when they’re left in the same position on the vehicle for too many miles. Regular tire rotations are one of the best ways to prevent that from happening. 

• Alignment - Even with watchful driving, your car will absorb jolts from potholes and road irregularities so your wheels might go out of alignment, your tires will wear unevenly as one wheel tries to push or pull the car in a different direction. 
